Workshop on Empowering Media Partners to Effectively Engage Anti-Corruption Stakeholders at National and Regional Level

On 18th April 2023, Transparency International Rwanda (TI-RW) held a workshop on empowering media partners to effectively engage anti-corruption stakeholders at national and regional level. The workshop brought on board over 20 investigative journalists in Rwanda.

In this workshop, participants shared experiences, identify possible strategies for collective action to effectively engage anti-corruption stakeholders, and strengthen media and CSOs partnership to curb corruption and injustice and promote democratic accountability.

In his opening remarks, Transparency International Rwanda (TI-RW) Executive Director Apollinaire Mupiganyi underscored that TI-RW does “recognize how important it is to work collectively with media to ensure the voice of the voiceless is heard.”

“We recognize the importance of collaboration through advocacy, awareness raising to ensure citizens are informed to mention few. Again, our work would not have possible if it was not for media partners’ dedication and collaboration on many of our different engagements," Mupiganyi added.

In his presentation, Mr. Fiscal Birasa, Director of Special Investigation on Corruption Unit at the Office of Ombudsman shared key highlights regarding implementation of the African Union Convention on Prevention and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) and its domestication in Rwandan context.

Caroline Giathi, a Communications and Advocacy Specialist & Human Rights Activist shared TI-Kenya experience on working with journalists on investigative journalism, challenges, opportunities, and tools available to work more efficiently.

In his presentation that focused on the role of media in fighting corruption and promoting good governance, Albert Baudouin, Pax Press Rwanda National Coordinator, reiterated the need of synergies between media & non-state actors as well as other government anti-corruption bodies.

Emmanual Mugisha, Executive Secretary of the Rwanda Media Commission said that "in the light of the existing high political will to fight corruption & promote good governance, it is needless to say that this undoubtedly creates a good working environment & opportunities for investigative media, but we need to work together."

“We cannot achieve accountability unless we bolster investigative journalism. This is why the government and all stakeholders are needed to support investigative journalists. Moreover, protection of whistle-blowers should be ensured,” said Oswald Mutuyeyezu, journalist at Radio and TV 10.

According to Jean Baptiste Karegeya, an investigative journalist “though there are still challenges affecting investigative journalists, the positive impact on practitioners and Rwandans at large is very commendable.” He added : “At this juncture, all stakeholders should collaborate to build the capacity of investigative reporters."


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Civil society organizations